Tags: alpine

Alpine on the Aopen Chromebase or Chromebox Mini
Installing Alpine Linux with custom kernel on the Aopen Chromebase or Chromebox Mini. These devices were targeted for digital signage and are known as veyron-tiger and veyron-fievel, respectively.
Alpine with bspwm and sxhkd on the Aopen Chromebase Mini
Notes on installing and configuring Alpine Linux with bspwm and sxhkd on the Aopen Chromebase Mini.
Aopen Chromebase with HDMI RTC and Alpine Linux
Adding a Real Time Clock (RTC) to the Aopen Chromebase mini on Alpine.
HP 11a Chromebook Alpine Setup Script
Guide for getting Alpine and Herbstluftwm on the HP 11a Chromebook (kappa) using the setup-kappa.sh script.
Aopen Chromebase Mini Alpine Setup Script
Guide for getting a basic touch GUI on the Aopen Chromebase Mini using the setup-cb.sh script.
Notes for bspwm and sxhkd
Notes on installing and configuring binary space tiling window manager (bspwm) and simple X hotkey daemon (sxhkd) on Alpine Linux.
Bridge wlan0 and eth0 on Alpine Linux
Bridge a wifi and ethernet connection on Alpine Linux using proxy ARP. This enables you to share a single wifi connection with multiple wired clients.